Modifying CSRankings Part-1: Top HCI Graduate Programs in the USA

Saaduddin Mahmud
2 min readNov 29, 2020


If you are looking for graduate programs in Computer Science (CS), then one of the best tools you can use is CSRankings. It uses publication history from top CS conferences to rank graduate programs. However, it is missing many important conferences. For example, in the AI category, you might be disappointed not seeing conferences like ICLR, ICDM, AAMAS, AISTAT. Further, If you are interested in specific topics like Human-Robot Interaction or Social Computing, you might also be disappointed not seeing the flagship conference for those topics. I know I was. But the good news is that CSRankings’ source code is available on GitHub, and you can modify and add the conferences you need. The bad news is it is protected under the No-Derivative License. So it can not be shared in its modified form.

During my search for graduate programs, I have modified CSRankings by adding ICLR, ICDM, AAMAS, AISTAT, UAI, HRI, and CSCW. In this blog, I present one specific result after the modification. The ranking of top Human-Computer Interaction Graduate Programs in the USA. This ranking is based on publication history from 2015 to 2020 in the following conferences:

  1. CHI
  2. UbiComp / Pervasive / IMWUT
  3. UIST
  4. CSCW
Top Human-Computer Interaction Graduate Programs in the USA

Based on this blog’s engagement, I will add the entire procedure of modifying CSRankings in the upcoming parts. (It is a messy process and will require some effort to write. I also intend to add additional features.)

